It may not be the device as "neat" as tablets supported ARM processors and golem, but the 10-watt processors Haswell is that the direction at intervals the proper direction. What remains unknown is that the performance of such systems. Intel itself suggests that invariably|we must always} always not expect a yield of 17-watt ivy Bridge, Haswell low voltage but have to be compelled to have an identical choices and advantages as their brothers productive.
Intel Haswell Processor Release Date
Reports reaching USA from Digitimes, suggests that Intel is regular to unharness on next-generation eight series chipsets just like the Z87 chipset, H87 chipset (replacement chipset Z77, Z75 and H77 at the moment) and also the fourth generation processors supported Intel Core design (Intel Haswell Processor) in Gregorian calendar month 2013, the launch date overlaps with Intel Hedera helix Bridge and Intel 7-series chipset unharness, happening Gregorian calendar month 2012
Haswell Processor Featured
- A twenty two nm producing method.
- 3D tri-gate transistors.
- A 14-stage pipeline.
- thought up to quad-core.
- Native support for twin channel DDR3.
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