Last Vishera AMD processor chip without IGP?
According to some, the fight against AMD with Intel high-performance processors in the area ended with the Phenom II series. Still others say that Bulldozer chips have made a great deal and have set Intel in a difficult situation. One thing we know for sure - AMD has serious problems with the introduction of high-performance processors and surrenders without a fight. According to well-known blogger OBRovsky'ego, soon we can not find a product without a built-in AMD GPU. According to the website VR-Zone, AMD may even opt to introduce FX processors with the architecture of Piledriver! OBRovsky denies these reports saying that the rumors are meaningless. Moreover, the performance of the new processors will be similar to the one we know from the Bulldozer architecture. It certainly did not wait, but soon ... We do not meet these processors with AMD logo.
The blogger says he does not live to see the architecture already Steamroller and Vishera processors are compatible with the latest AM3 + stand. This means that in the future will face only processors with integrated graphics, such as the Trinity. What's more, AMD is not going to fight with Intel in terms of performance, but rather will focus on the production of low-cost systems. If OBRovsky'ego words prove to be true, it awaits us really strange situation .
AMD's official statement on the matter:
" AMD's policy is still focused on continuing to improve the performance of the processors - there's no doubt - and the family of our FX series processors is doing very well in the market for high-performance computers. At the same time it is important for us is that it needs Members meet in the first place, and we believe that we are in the best position to deliver this through our APU systems. This is also reflected in the business area of our operations with other partners. As many reviewers and industry analysts have said, beat new records the benchmark does not necessarily equal better user experience, in particular as regards to the graphics card.'re just focused on the noticeable benefits and working APU systems to give them as much as possible, in particular, in these applications, which are important to users . "
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